
摘要:家居裝修設計可(kě)不是玩個搭積木遊戲那(nà)麽簡單,正所謂,外(wài)行(xíng)看熱鬧,內(nèi)行(xíng)看門道,任何行(xíng)業的(de)背後都有其博大精深的(de)知(zhī)識理念,停留在(zài)表面的(de)恐怕永遠(yuǎn)都隻是浮雲。 設計理念一(yī):對(duì)比...


Home decoration design is not to play a building block game so simple, is the so-called, the layman look busy, insider doorway, behind any industry has its "extensive and profound" knowledge concept, stay on the surface of the fear is always just "floating clouds".
Design concept 1: contrast
Contrast is a common way of design. Anyone who has studied art theory systematically knows that this method is the basic stereotyping technique of art design, comparing two different things, shapes and colors, such as square and circle, new and old, big and small, black and white, deep and shallow, thick and thin, and so on. By putting two distinctly opposite elements in the same space and designing them, we can make them both opposite and harmonious, contradictory and unified, obtain sharp contrast in strong contrast, and achieve complementary and satisfying effect.
Design concept two: Harmony
Coordination. It is in the premise of meeting the functional requirements, so that a variety of indoor objects form, color, light, quality and other combinations of coordination, into a very harmonious unity of the whole. Harmony can also be divided into environmental and modeling harmony, material harmony, color harmony, style harmony and so on. Harmony enables people to achieve a peaceful and peaceful satisfaction in vision and psychology.
Design concept three: hue
Hue is one of the important factors in the design of plastic arts. Different colors can cause people to feel different colors in vision. For example, the warm feeling of red, orange and yellow is very strong, which is called warm color system; blue and green has a cold, calm feeling, is called cold color system. In use, according to the ring in the interior design, can choose all kinds of tone composition, there are many kinds of tones, generally can be summed up as "the same tone, the same tone environment different flexible use.
Design concept four: unique
Individuality and uniqueness are the constant pursuit of home decoration design. In pursuit of a unique personality, we must break through the original rules and make innovations. In nature, "a little red in the greenery, an oasis in the desert" is a unique manifestation. Unique is produced in the foil, is the existence of comparison. In the interior design, we especially admire the breakthrough imagination to create individuality and characteristics.
Design concept five: Echo
In interior design, the ceiling and the ground, desktop or other parts, the use of echo techniques, the body of the treatment, will play a corresponding role. Echo belongs to the balanced formal beauty, is a common artistic technique, echo also has the "corresponding symmetry" and "relative symmetry" theory, the general use of image correspondence, virtual and real momentum and other techniques to achieve the corresponding artistic effect.
Design concept six: simplicity
Simplicity is one of the most recommendable techniques in interior design, and is also a very popular trend in recent years. This requires no gorgeous decoration and superfluous accessories in the interior environment, to adhere to the principle of less and refined, the interior decoration to a minimum degree, to "less is more, concise is rich" as the principle.
Design concept seven: symmetry
The Chinese people are very particular about symmetry, which is the traditional technique of formal beauty, and is the earliest rule of formal beauty mastered by mankind. Symmetry can be used with absolute symmetry and relative symmetry. Up and down, left and right symmetry, isomorphism, color, homogeneity symmetry is called absolute symmetry; and in interior design is used in the relative symmetry, symmetry gives people a sense of order, solemnity, neatness is the beauty of harmony.
Design concept eight: Continuity
Specifically, the shape of the object, can regularly upward or downward, left or right, continuous down is the continuation. This kind of continuation technique is used in the space, so that the space can get a sense of expansion or guidance, and even deepen people's impression of the key scenery in the environment.

上一(yī)篇: 裝修裝飾中(zhōng)要關注的(de)6個精髓點


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