
摘要:很多(duō)的(de)中(zhōng)小企業都意識到了網絡營銷的(de)重要性,但網絡營銷效果普遍低下,原因何在(zài)?專業的(de)河北(běi)國旭網絡營銷公司又是如(rú)何提高轉化率的(de)? 一(yī)、博客或論壇 最便捷的(de)網絡營銷方式 微...















Many small and medium-sized enterprises are aware of the importance of network marketing, but the effect of network marketing is generally low, why? How does a professional hbguoxu network marketing company improve its conversion rate?
First, blog or forum -- the most convenient way of network marketing.
Micro-blog is one of the hottest concepts in Internet. Its predecessor is blog. There are numerous service providers providing free blog platforms in China. We can choose such as Sina, Sohu, Baidu and so on. I suggest registering multiple blog addresses, synchronous update, so as to maximize the blog marketing effect. Blog marketing refers to the way enterprises communicate with customers through blogs, and promote specific products or publish news online marketing.
There are many ways of blog marketing, which can be advertised in celebrity blogs or spread by celebrity recommendation products. You can also set up a blog marketing team within the enterprise to carry out targeted virus marketing, stimulating customer purchasing desire.
Forum marketing is the use of the forum's super popular, can effectively provide marketing communication services for enterprises, especially in some industry forums, marketing results are often beyond expectations. Because of the openness of forum topics, almost all marketing appeals of enterprises can be effectively realized through the forum dissemination; its openness will often become the fatal injury of forum marketing, slightly inadvertently easy to be attacked by other groups, but also easy to be vilified by competitors.
Forum marketing is the easiest way to carry out network marketing, but also the lowest conversion rate of a way in the forum to set topics and arouse discussion is undoubtedly the most direct way. Forum marketing requires long-term and unremitting insistence of enterprises, so as to bring true value into play. Once you have enough prestige and trust in an industry forum, you can easily get a steady stream of customers and business opportunities.
Forum can be combined with text pictures, video and other ways, and the industry forum itself gathered a large number of target customer groups, can be the first time to enterprise product promotion information in various forms to communicate. Many sensational events on the Internet are also spread through the forum marketing, which proves the powerful power of forum marketing.
Two, enterprise customer service tools - quickly improve the conversion rate of network marketing.
Without some suitable customer service tools, even if the cost of network marketing is large, the conversion rate of network marketing will be very low. How to let the customer contact the enterprise in the first time, how to let the customer know more about the enterprise product information more conveniently, how to obtain more potential customer information, is the problem that enterprise network marketing should pay attention to.
Some corporate websites, often only left a fixed phone number, call the past is often unanswered; and even some corporate websites left a mobile phone number, so that it is difficult for customers to have a sense of trust, thereby missing business opportunities. How to improve the network marketing conversion rate? Let customers willing to contact us, is the key! The importance of customer service tools is self-evident.
Three, website statistical system - understand, analyze and track the effect of network marketing.
Website traffic statistics is an indispensable tool for small and medium-sized enterprises to network marketing. Through the traffic statistics system, you can clearly see the effect of their website promotion, but also an important basis for evaluating the effect of network marketing.
Website traffic statistics is a new kind of user behavior analysis technology which can guide the further adjustment of the website by statistic the visitor's visiting source, visiting time, visiting content and other visiting information, and then summarize some common data such as the visitor's visiting source, hobby tendency, visiting habits.

上一(yī)篇: 營銷思維與動(dòng)态技術是SEO優化的(de)關鍵


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